The race of the shortest trimming URL is still on. Recently a lot of different companies started the website to shrink/trim/short long URLs and now just because of the Twitter, things are becoming quite fast. The race is on to get the shortest URL domain, even the current short URL trimming websites have started getting even new better domain. In the month of July 2009, the very famous StumbleUpon started a short URL domain too with the name of SU.PR. Now one of the already very famous short URL website jumped in again with even a better small URL domain named
Before that as I have already mentioned in my previous article of 23 URL shortening websites that was the shortest URL domain and after that a new website came in with the name of and finally now we have no more with the name “JUMP” and the domain is quite short like Yesterday when I tried to shrink a URL the characters after were quite less but today when I tried, the URL became quite big. I tried trimming the URL of pickmore and the URL became something like It shows that the characters used after the slash are 6 so far. Whereas, if I compare this with the website then I’m quite happy with them. 9.GP is only using 3 characters after the slash (Oh yes, may be because its not that famous so far and as soon as the traffic starts to flow in, their URLs length will increase by that time too).
Features of J.MP:
- Short URLs up to 6 characters long (and 9 characters including the domain itself)
- Custom URL
- URL tracking and statistics report can be seen by just adding a plus ‘ + ‘ sign at the end of your url, for instance and you can see the number of clicks on your trimmed URL.
- Different tools are available like: Sidebar Bookmarklet, Standard Bookmark, Firefox plugin for J.MP, etc.
- You can post directly to your Twitter from
- You can login to using the same username/password which you have on
wow!!!!! nice…