VLC Media Player 0.9

Playing video files of different types is a problem for the generic Windows Media Player. You need different codec to play files such as .avi files which are converted using XViD or DiVX or any other such type of encoders. So VLC Media Player (VideoLAN) […]

DVD Regions Information

The DVD region code identifies a DVD’s compatibility with the players typically sold in a particular region. Region 0 (or “region free”) is compatible with DVD players from any region. The majority of all current titles play only in one specific region unless otherwise noted. […]

All mIRC Commands

There are alot of people who are new to mIRC and hardly know what to do there with the commands. There are many ready made scripts available too, but still I thought it will be good if I write a guide for the non-script users […]

One Hit Wonders

I was wondering the other day about all the one or two hit wonders that have come and gone. They have teased us, titilated us, entertained us and left their marks till posterity. One thing they haven’t done is give us more hits. I have […]